Surplus Sales stocks a wide variety of power supplies like LED Power Supplies, High Voltage like Glassman, Low Voltage fixed and variable and antique vacuum tube supplies.
34476 Products
85 Products
Three to Twelve volt low voltage power supplies, buy surplus and save! All types choose from regula…
79 Products
Thirteen to twenty one volt low voltage power supplies, buy surplus and save! All types choose from…
44 Products
Twenty two to thirty volt low voltage power supplies, buy surplus and save! All types choose from r…
151 Products
Thirty one to one hundred forty nine voltage power supplies, buy surplus and save! All types choose…
66 Products
150 to 2K volt high voltage power supplies, buy surplus and save! All types choose from regulated, …
55 Products
2.1K to 9K volt high voltage power supplies, buy surplus and save! From research to production, gen…
68 Products
10K to 39K volt high voltage power supplies, buy surplus and save! From research to production, gen…
37 Products
40K to 250K volt high voltage power supplies, buy surplus and save! From research to production, ge…
10 Products
Large AC power supplies from Los Alamos and other laboratories, some new others used. Buy surplus a…
38 Products
AC Power Regulating devices from Sola for small to large applications, various units in stock and r…
9 Products
Antique vacuum tube power supplies, several to choose from, ranges from 0 to 350v DC. Some rack mou…
5 Products
From Fluorescent Ballasts to Celestrial Lighting Transformers weve got you covered to keep your lig…
1 Product
EMI Filter for UPS Battery Charging System. For use with 48v 70 amp Charging systems. In-stock and …
26 Products
Frequency converting power supplies for research or bench testing 400hz equipment. Available at Su…
2 Products
Fixed voltage vintage power supplies available at Surplus Sales of Nebraska
16 Products
High Voltage Power Pack a self contained direct current power supply in a can. Available in 10 to 3…
16 Products
Vintage high voltage power supplies the way they use to be made with big heavy transformers rather …
40 Products
A great selection of LED (Light Emitting Diode) Power Supplies in stock at Surplus Sales of Nebrask…
7 Products
Maxwell (the capacitor manufacturer) switching power supplies, spare parts, and components. Availab…
19 Products
Miscellaneous Power Supplies, chargers, power adapters, and a Voltage Standard to calibrate your me…
23 Products
DC to DC Converter Power Modules, AC to DC Converter Power Modules, and Voltage Multipliers. In-Sto…
15 Products
Non-Working Power Supplies at DEEP discounts. Use for spare parts or a bargin fixer-upper or experi…
1 Product
PP-8105/G DC to AC converter, 24vdc 180 amps input, 115v / 230v 3kva output
33613 Products
This index is provided to help Makers and builders of power supplies. We have gathered on one page …
6 Products
Radio Frequency Amplifier Supplies for providing multiple kilowatts of transmitting power. Availab…
5 Products
A dynamotor is a rotating motor and generator combination used for converting ac/dc, frequencies, o…
32 Products
Motorized Variacs from Staco Energy, General Radio, and Superior Stabiline in stock and ready to sh…
120 Products
Power Supplies for parts
6 Products
Miscellaneous Switching Power Supplies, and By The Pound switching power supplies. Surplus Sales of…
47 Products
Wall Adapter Transformers for reducing AC line power for low voltage applications. Surplus Sales of…