33 Products
Part #: EQP AME-TX-62
Description: Ameco 2 & 6 meter transmitter. Brand new in facto…
Brand: Ameco
$450.00 / Each
Part #: EQP LEA-LPM880
Description: Leader Electronics LPM880 wattmeter and 100 watt …
Brand: Leader Electronics
$125.00 / Each
Description: Peter Dahl Galaxy V power transformer. Primary: 1…
Brand: Peter Dahl
$325.00 / Each
Description: Pace Communicator I handheld 2 meter transceiver.…
Brand: Pace
$69.00 / Each
Part #: EQP HAR-110A
Description: Harris RF-110A amplifier. 2 kw, 2 - 30 MHz. 75 mW…
Brand: Harris
$3500.00 / Each
Part #: ANT PAQ144
Description: Pro Am antenna. Quarter wave. 144 - 152 MHz. Moto…
Brand: Pro Am
$12.95 / Each
Part #: EQP BRT1025-6
Description: Out on the high seas in 1954 and you may have tur…
$225.00 / Each
Part #: EQP BC-1206-C
Description: Antique WWII Beacon Receiver. BC-1206-C, Model 52…
Brand: Setchell-Carlson
$195.00 / Each
Part #: FUS 31494-1
Description: Hammarlund clear plastic cover for fuses. Envelop…
Brand: Hammarlund
$2.00 / Each
Part #: EQP MIL-90661
Description: James Millen grip dip meter. Model 90661. Complet…
Brand: James Millen
$330.00 / Each
Part #: EQP FS1-3
Description: Monarch filed strength and SWR bridge. Brand new …
Brand: Monarch
$75.00 / Each
Part #: EQP C768L
Description: Standard Radio Communications Corp. UHF / FM land…
Brand: Standard Radio Communications
$119.00 / Each
Part #: EQP MIL-90672
Description: Millen antenna bridge. Frequencies up to 200 MHz.…
Brand: Millen
$129.00 / Each
Part #: EQP BIRD-4350
Description: Bird "Ham Mate". 0 - 200w / 2kw. 1.8 - 30 MHz. "U…
Brand: Bird
Part #: EQP MCJ-MM706
Description: MC Jones Micromatch. 400 watts forward, 100 watts…
Brand: MC Jones
$125.00 / Each
Part #: EQP HB-9
Description: Tenna Corporation vintage emergency radio. Made f…
Brand: Tenna Corporation
$95.00 / Each
Part #: EQP TV-3300-LP
Description: Drake low pass filter. 30 MHz cut off. 52 ohm, 10…
Brand: Drake
$39.00 / Each
Description: This used, previously well loved antenna is in wo…
$995.00 / Each
Description: New, old stock vintage cabinet with copper chassi…
$125.00 / Each
Part #: EQP EMJ1955
Description: Dummy Antenna & SWR bridge home-brew by Earl John…
Brand: Dummy Antenna
$150.00 / Each
Description: VFO & Accessory 9 pin female plug, 10" long, orig…
$27.00 / Each
Part #: EQP BRT1025-12
Description: Identical to (EQP) BRT1025-6 but includes 12v vib…
$275.00 / Each
Part #: ANT HY-226S
Description: Hy−Gain Telex 203BA−S, 3 element, 20 meter mono b…
$289.00 / Each
Part #: ANT HY-231S
Description: Hy−Gain Telex 7031DX, 420 − 438 MHz, 17.6 dB gain…
$179.00 / Each
Description: We found a brand new AVT's hiding on the shelf fr…
$219.00 / Each
Part #: EQP BUD WM-78
Description: Bud WM−78 Wavemeter Very Good condition.
$60.00 / Each
Description: Faradon Transmitting Cap from 1920s, Antique Very…
$100.00 / Each
Part #: EQP GR-758A
Description: General Radio 758A Wavemeter 55-400 Mc, Very Old.…
Brand: General Radio
$125.00 / Each
Part #: EQP GR-1140A
Description: General Radio GR-1140A UHF wavemeter. 250 MHz to …
Brand: General Radio
$120.00 / Each
Part #: EQP RME-VHF152AE
Description: RME VHF−152A 2/6/10 Meter Converter Poor conditio…
$28.00 / Each
Part #: EQP ROB-80
Description: Robot 80 Slow Scan TV Camera Mint condition.
$180.00 / Each
Part #: EQP ROB-7
Description: Robot 7 Slow Scan TV Monitor Mint condition.
$140.00 / Each