541 Products
A great starting page for all of our attenuators. Audio, RF Coaxial, RF Fixed, Mini Circuits, RF Va…
70 Products
Step Attenuators, L-Pads and T-Pads by Daven, Shallco, Mallory and Clarostat. Slide Pots by Waters.…
39 Products
Surplus Sales of Nebraska maintains a large selection of Mini-Circuits® attenuators in coaxial,…
29 Products
Absorbtive Modulator and PIN diode attenuators by General Microwave and Robinson Labs in a variety …
101 Products
SMA connectorized fixed attenuators by Inmet, Mini Circuits and Midwest Microwave
67 Products
Attenuators for microwave frequencies in waveguide styles by Microwave Development and Narda or str…
2 Products
High power attenuators by Bird at Surplus Sales today.
107 Products
Low power attenuators with BNC, N and TNC connectors in a variety of sizes and frequency ranges. Br…
51 Products
Voltage controlled attenuators by MCC Norsal and manual rotary attenuators by KMW and Daven. Freque…
41 Products
Surplus Sales stocks a variety of microwave variable attenuators that cover various bands. Most hav…