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1468 Products

Tube Sockets, Chimneys & Plate Caps Index

Tube Sockets for miniature, octal and power tubes. Shields for miniature tubes, nuvistor sockets, c…

30 Products

IC Sockets

IC Sockets for a host of integrated circuits. Many sockets in stock and soon to be added to our web…

35 Products

Relay Sockets

Relay Sockets for many types of relays in stock at Surplus Sales.

20 Products

Transistor / Nuvistor Sockets

Transistor and Nuvistor sockets in various sizes, pin configurations, and mounting options. At Surp…

7 Products

Crystals - Sockets

Large and Small Crystal Sockets for vintage crystal oscillators available at Surplus Sales of Nebra…

4 Products

Component Bases

Component base, bread boarding and development components available from Surplus Sales of Nebraska.