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Digital Equipment Corporation H7318-AJ

Digital Equipment Corporation H7318-AJ

Part Number:
(PS) H7318-AJ

Product Details:
Digital Equipment Corporation H7318-AJ Power Conditioning System Plus.

The PCS+ provides voltage regulation, power conditioning and distribution of AC power for small- to medium-sized computer systems. It can be configured to monitor and display both internal and external failure or status information. Includes lighted indicators as well as an LCD display to show status of the unit. It can also be connected to a standard terminal to display the contents of the display. Also includes a 40 column printer to produce hard copy of alarm conditions or probe status. Unit contains logic circuits to monitor up to 43 internal and 69 external probe sensors.

When a failure occurs the unit can be programmed to generatean alarm, energize one or more of three logical relays, orcause an emergency shutdown of the system. There is afront panel bypass switch

The PCS+ has input circuit breakers, filtering, voltage regulation and output distribution facilities. This consists of transient overvoltage protection and over current protection via circuit breakers.

Each phase of the input is regulated separately by automatic selection of the input taps in the isolation transformer. Tap selection is accomplished by the control logic modules which sense line voltage changes and select SCR driver modules which select transformer taps. There are seven taps for each input phase leg to adjust voltage.

Removed from service. Comes with full installation instructions, programming and operating manual.

Input: 208v AC 3 phase
Output: 120 / 208v AC, 50 kva, 60 Hz
Dimensions: 31"W x 36"D x 42"H
Weight: 930 lbs

50KVA rated
60 Hz
31"W x 36"D x 42"H
930 lbs
Manufactured by
Digital Equipment Corporation

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