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A.O. Smith Motor

A.O. Smith Motor

Part Number:
(MOT) P56C21B08

Product Details:
A.O. Smith AC motor for Genie. 3 phase, 1725 rpm, 1 HP, 208-230/460v, 60 Hz, 3.3-3.2/1.6 amps. 56C frame. 12 pin molex. 5/8" Keyway shaft, 2" long. Mounts by front thredded holes in front plate.

Horse Power
1 HP
3 Phase
1725 RPM
5/8" Keyway shaft, 2" long
3.3-3.2/1.6 amps
60 Hz
Manufactured by
A.O. Smith

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$295.00 / Each


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