Part #: RNI TG931-25M-2%
Description: 25M ohm 2% 1w Caddock Low Tempererature Co Non−In…
$8.00 / Each
Part #: WHS 01361
Description: 2 Conductor 14 ga. str Carol / General Cable, Typ…
$1.00 / Each
Part #: GAT 646-0961
Description: Gates "BT-48U" aluminum nameplate. 1-1/4" x 7-1/2…
Brand: Gates
$24.00 / Each
Part #: CTC 9338
Description: Johanson 5.0 to 70.0pF Ceramic Trimmer Capacitor,…
Brand: Johanson
$2.60 / Each
Part #: CMS 10749177
Description: Backshell Clamp
$5.90 / Each
Part #: PCB DT
Description: Tinned copper clad PCB board. One side. 2.2" x 2.…
$0.40 / Each
Part #: PS 5-2154C
Description: General Electric AC/DC converter. Input: 120v AC …
Brand: General Electric
$10.00 / Each
Part #: CNE P-5404-SB
Description: Cinch Jones 4 pin male with polarizing pin. Flat …
Brand: Cinch Jones
$10.00 / Each