Part Number:
Product Details:
Bentley Harris acrylic coated fiberglass sleeving. 2 gauge, 0.263" inside diameter. -25º to 155ºC. Sold by the foot or in 200 foot rolls.
Part #: LMP DYP
Description: General Electric projection lamp. 120v, 600 watt.…
Brand: General Electric
$12.00 / Each
Part #: RWV 500-971
Description: Precision pot, servo clamp mount. 50k ohm, 3%, 0.…
Brand: Spectrol
$20.00 / Each
Part #: TM 765C131101
Description: GEpotential transformer primary 7200v AC. 14" x 1…
Brand: GE
$1575.00 / Each
Part #: CFE ECET2AR102SW
Description: 1,000 µF 100v Panasonic Snap−in Cap, New Electrol…
$1.75 / Each
Part #: CFP WMF4W2
Description: 2 µF 400vdc Non−Polarized Plastic Capacitor Axial…
$8.00 / Each
Part #: SWR 6-1901-7
Description: Janco Sealed Rotary Switch, 10P24T, 10 Wafers, 1P…
$150.00 / Each
Part #: SIC PALCE16V8H2
Description: Integrated Circuit AMD, Flash Memory, DC:9949, Tu…
$0.85 / Each
Part #: TUR 1J6G
Description: 1J6G, Sylvania For a $6 up charge ($5 for 20 tube…
$10.00 / Each