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Triple Deltron Power Supply

Triple Deltron Power Supply

Part Number:
(PS) 10656X

Product Details:
Yes, we still have a good supply of this new, wonderful deltron triple voltage open frame linear supply. So versatile. Trim the 15 vdc fundamental supplies on the circuit board. 12-16v or remote mount a 10 turn 5k ohm pot ((RWV) 35208-5K) and turn it into a 7-30v regulated lab supply. It's simple to do. Instructions included. Series or parallel the two supplies for a combined 7-60v @ 2.5-5 amps. Board trimmable current limiting too. New, boxed, from Collins surplus. 10 pounds each. 3-1/4" x 5" x 11" long.

Two 12 to 16 vdc @ 2.5 amps
3-1/4" x 5" x 11" long
10 pounds each
5 vdc @ 8 amps

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$35.00 / Each
$32.00 / 3 Each
$29.00 / 25 Each
$25.00 / 100 Each


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