Part Number:
Product Details:
WPI 28 kv Metal Halide Ignitor for HMI High Intensity Discharge Lamps. We have a very limited quantity. Works with EB125 Power Gems power supply and lighting systems.
Part #: CFC HT54T007-5
Description: HT−54 Series Doorknob Transmitting Capacitor 7 pF…
$11.00 / Each
Part #: KO J411-26L
Description: Teledyne Series 411 Established Reliability TO-5 …
Brand: Teledyne
$48.00 / Each
Part #: RWF RW31V471
Description: 470 ohm − 14w Wire Wound Resistor With tab termin…
$2.00 / Each
Part #: RMF 0000000R1JP
Description: 0.1 ohm 5% 1w Metal Oxide T − Mfg: SEI − P/N: RS1…
$0.30 / Each
Part #: WRF 1314344-1
Description: Tyco / Amp MaCom cable adapter. "SMB" right angle…
Brand: Tyco / Amp
$10.00 / Each
Description: Plastic jack as used on all Collins ham equipment.
$0.50 / Each
Part #: C274BA25100AA2J
Description: Arcotronics polypropylene motor start capacitor. …
Brand: Arcotronics
$10.00 / Each
Part #: CFP 118P82352S4
Description: 0.082 µF 200v Sprague Fixed Metalized Capacitor N…
$8.00 / Each