Part Number:
Product Details:
Vintage cinch octal plug with color cloth over leads. 6-32 brass inserts in plug edge. Cloth 16" leads. One lead is marked "Battery". Circa 1935-1940.
Part #: SDI MV2103
Description: Varactor Diode
$3.00 / Each
Part #: SWP 3004106
Description: Daimler / Chrysler oil pressure switch. Spare par…
Brand: Daimler / Chrysler
$10.00 / Each
Part #: TAP 811-56MM
Description: Polyimide TapeSimilar to DuPont¢ Kapton® brandPol…
$39.00 / Each
Part #: LMP C7-CLEAR
Description: C7 clear Christmas / holiday lights. Candlebra ba…
$6.00 / Each
Part #: TSL 34158-1
Description: AMP ring terminal. 34158-1, 16-14 wire range #6 s…
Brand: AMP
$0.17 / Each
Part #: RWM 18-168-.83R
Description: 0.83 ohm − 375w Milwaukee 18−168 Ribwound Resisto…
$35.00 / Each
Part #: RCV RJ24CW101
Description: PC mount, miniature, multi-turn trimmer pot. 100 …
Brand: Vernitron
$4.00 / Each
Part #: PUB STL-TDA2
Description: Stelma Telegraph Analyzer Inst
$20.00 / Each