Part #: SHW DFA
Description: Fairchild / Faricon diecast - ALL METAL - turns c…
Brand: Fairchild / Faricon
$15.00 / Each
Part #: CPC PSC4DD2223
Description: Burndy card edge connector. Two rows of 22 = 44 c…
Brand: Burndy
$8.00 / Each
Part #: A SPK07A
Description: Amana power supply kit. Model SPK07A. Used in Ana…
Brand: Amana
$75.00 / Each
Part #: RWF 1321508-256K
Description: 256k ohm 0.05% 1/2w Radial Ultronix Res., 5ppm, M…
$8.00 / Each
Part #: KO HS24D10N
Description: Teledyne SIP Package with Integrated HeatS Sink Z…
Brand: Teledyne
$19.00 / Each
Part #: SIC TMS2516JDL
Description: TI, DC:1979, EPROM, 24 Pin, Gold
$11.00 / Each
Part #: MIC AD-7B
Description: Atlas Sound mic tube extension. 3" tube, 5/8" #27…
Brand: Atlas Sound
$10.00 / Each
Part #: MTG 150072
Description: 1982 Series, Bottom stem Ametek Solfrunt Gauge 4−…
$139.00 / Each