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Teledyne Series 421 TO-5 Relay

Teledyne Series 421 TO-5 Relay

Part Number:
(KO) J421-12WM

Product Details:
Teledyne Series 421 Established Reliability TO-5 1 Form C (SPDT) Magnetically Latching Relay, Continuous Duty DC - 1 GHz, 28 vdc @ 500 mA, 115 VAC @ 250 mA (10-50 mV @ 10-50 µA) contacts, 12 vdc 500 ohm Coil, Through-Hole 7 pin, 0.75" (19.05 mm) long leads Hermetically Sealed TO-5, 0.37 dia x 0.28 H (9.4 dia x 7.11 mm), -65°C to +125°C, Joint Army Navy Established Reliability level M: 1% allowable failures in 10,000 unit cycles. Alt. P/Ns: M39016/8-019M, J42112WM.

Product PDFs:

28 vdc @ 500 mA,
115 vac @ 250 mA (10-50 mV @ 10-50 ??A)
DC - 1 GHz
12 vdc / 500 ohm
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