Part Number:
Product Details:
Sealectro candlestick "SMA" jack. 50 ohm, 0 Hz to 18 GHz. Solid terminal post. 0.580"L TFE insulator. Gold over nickel.
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Description: TI quad bus transceiver, 16 pin DIP, DC:81**Speci…
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Description: Wabash SPST reed relay, normally open. 24 vdc, 2,…
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Description: Miteq RF Amplifier, 3.5 dB noise figure, 25 dB ma…
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Description: Circular Connector with Contacts, 19 pin Female
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Part #: TUR 14A4
Description: 14A4, Various brands*, New, Boxed For a $6 up cha…
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Part #: CRY 002.9000
Description: HC−18 2.9000 MHz Crystal 13.5mm H x 11.05mm W x 4…
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Part #: PUB COL-699H-1
Description: 699H−1 Test Adapter Tech Manual
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