Part #: AMF355TKB1
Description: Emerson expansion valve kit. 3.5 to 5 ton. AMF355…
Brand: Emerson
$35.00 / Each
Part #: CFO 0030R00001.A
Description: 30 µF @ 1 kvdcw Plastic Capacitors Inc. LK10−3064…
$105.00 / Each
Part #: RCV 950P-50K
Description: PC mount, miniature, multi-turn trimmer pot. 50k …
Brand: Weston
$2.19 / Each
Part #: RNI MVX-11/2-100M-1%
Description: 100M ohm 1% 1.5w IRC MVX−1−1/2, Non−Inductive, 1/…
$4.25 / Each
Part #: FAN 040505
Description: Comair Rotron muffin XP fan. 48 vdc, 0.35 amps, 1…
Brand: Comair Rotron
$23.00 / Each
Part #: LMP YLW44
Description: Lens Assembly − Threaded Base Panel Lamp Lens Yel…
$5.00 / Each
Part #: WRF 30-P36219R001
Description: "MMCX" right angle male plug to "MMCX" right angl…
$9.50 / Each
Part #: CSM 000068R0DJGA
Description: 68 pF 5% 500v Molded Mica Axial Capacitor 0.5" x …
$0.30 / Each