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Super High-Power Dummyload

Super High-Power Dummyload

Part Number:
(MWL) WG-0065

Product Details:
Microlab / FXR super high-power dummyload. 12.4 - 18 GHz. VSWR Max: 1.10. Power ratings: Independent: 400w, 1000 kw peak @ 45 psig. Combined: 250w, 250 kw peak @ 30 psig. Aluminum. WR-62 / RG-349; UG-419/U flange designation. 4.7"L x 2.4"W x 2.4"H.

12.4 - 18 GHz
Manufactured by
Microlab / FXR
Alternate P/N:

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$245.00 / Each


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