Part #: WHS UL1010WH24-2K/ROLL
Description: Whitmor / Wirenetics PVC hook−up wire. White. Str…
$80.00 / Each
Part #: SIC DM74S157N
Description: Integrated Circuit National quad 2 line to 1 line…
$0.50 / Each
Part #: FAN TUDC24Z4P029
Description: Japan Servo Co. "DC tiny 25 III" DC brushless fan…
Brand: Japan Servo Co.
$5.00 / Each
Part #: RWF FW14G-12K
Description: 12k ohm 10% 40w Clip−in Resistor With tab termina…
$8.00 / Each
Part #: RWF RW70U-1.21
Description: 1.21 ohm 1% 1w Dale Wire Wound Resistor, RS−1A,Wi…
$1.25 / Each
Part #: FUS S15
Description: Fustat household fuse. Type S. 15 amp.
$3.00 / Each
Part #: ICH MM-T50-17
Description: Micro Metals 0.50" O.D., 0.190" H., 17 Mix, Blue …
$0.65 / Each
Part #: SIC SN74LS40N
Description: Motorola dual 4−input NAND, 14 pin DIP DC:8309, p…
$1.00 / Each