Part Number:
Product Details:
Directional Coupler Elements, aka: Bird Slugs Bird 200−500 MHz 10 watt Slug 20% Discount on purchase of 5 or more slugs
Part #: RF 4203-10
Description: Narda directional coupler. -10 dB coupling. 2 - 1…
Brand: Narda
$125.00 / each
Part #: FAN B2833002
Description: Fasco Industries forced draft blower. 2 speed mot…
Brand: Fasco Industries
$129.00 / each
Part #: PUB DYN-3011B
Description: Dynascan Model 3011B 2MHz Digital Display Functio…
$18.00 / each
Part #: SDI AND5020RAL
Description: Red double digit LED display. 7 segment LED with …
$0.50 / each
Part #: STR 2N3235
Description: Transistor, TO−3, NPN, 117w, 1c = 15 amp
$5.00 / each
Part #: SDI CLL5258BTR
Description: Central Semi, T&R;, SMT, 36v NOTE: Minimum order …
$0.13 / each
Part #: RF AST9
Description: RF bias tee & amplifier assortment.Contains:Gould…
Brand: RF bias tee
$99.00 / each
Part #: CPC TSM12001TSV
Description: Samtec 20 Pin connector header assembly with lock…
Brand: Samtec
$1.50 / each