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0.940" 20 mil Copper Strap

0.940" 20 mil Copper Strap

Part Number:
(TAP) 27860

Product Details:
Fralock Solid Copper Strap with Mylar Insulating Tape Wrap 0.940" 20 mil Copper Strap with Mylar Insulating Tape Wrap. Width: 0.940", Copper Thickness: 20 mil, Insulator Thickness: 2 mil (0.005") Yellow Mylar, Overall Thickness: 0.022", Roll Diameter: 7−3/4". − This insulated strap is used to wind low inductance high current transformers. The Mylar is insulated between layers of the winding.

Copper Thickness
20 mil
Insulator Thickness
2 mil (0.005") Yellow Mylar
Overall Thickness
Roll Diameter

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