Part #: HSK 411-67472
Description: 12 gauge aluminum frame heatsink for three TO-247…
$3.00 / Each
Part #: PUB COL-974R-1
Description: 974R−1 Rate Gyro T.S.
$65.00 / Each
Part #: STR C15AX487
Description: SCR, 8 amp, 200v, Stud
$2.75 / Each
Part #: RWV 3507S-1-102
Description: Panel bushing mount pot. 1k ohm. 10 turn. ±25% li…
Brand: Bourns
$15.00 / Each
Part #: CNA 114B
Description: Switchcraft 1/4" stereo jack with SPST, normally …
Brand: Switchcraft
$3.50 / Each
Part #: TSL PC12
Description: 12 terminal 5.2" long x 0.56"H x 0.61"W
$1.00 / Each
Part #: EQP SR-370PS
Description: Scientific Radio power supply. Leads and connecto…
Brand: Scientific Radio
$249.00 / Each
Part #: RF TF500BB13
Description: Johanson BeO High Power Flanged Resistor, 500 Wat…
Brand: Johanson
$24.00 / Each