Part #: TSL PC12
Description: 12 terminal 5.2" long x 0.56"H x 0.61"W
$1.00 / Each
Description: Miniature hardware (nuts, bolts) to replace drill…
$1.25 / Each
Part #: WMG 20HSDN130G-6
Description: Green 20 AWG Essex® Copper Magnet Wire by the pou…
$16.10 / Each
Part #: SDI 1N3064JAN
Description: Unitrode Switching Diode, 75v, 4ns, 2pF, DC 89 NO…
$0.25 / Each
Part #: STR 3N170
Description: FET, TO−18
$3.00 / Each
Part #: SWR 013-1205
Description: Rotary switch. DP3T. All plastic body. 1.02"D, 0.…
$3.00 / Each
Part #: PUB TEK-1420
Description: Tektronix 1420 Vectorscope Instruction Manual
$51.00 / Each
Part #: LMP PR7
Description: Flange flashlight bulb. 3.8v, 300 ma. Various bra…
$0.50 / Each