Part #: MIC 2602
Description: Nortronics magnetic tape heads are designed to of…
$24.99 / Each
Part #: EQP EXPLORER-8000
Description: Impala Explorer 8000 propane catalytic heater. 30…
Brand: Impala Explorer
$85.00 / Each
Part #: SWP 2B7
Description: Honeywell microswitch. Short mounting, barrier bl…
Brand: Honeywell
$10.00 / Each
Part #: HWX LCH-10
Description: 1-3/16" x 3", shaft length 1". Slide the barrel i…
$2.00 / Each
Part #: CPC 499578-4
Description: Amp-latch IDC ribbon cable connector. 20 pin. 250…
$1.25 / Each
Description: Raytheon Model Veri−Cal Power Regulator Instructi…
$18.00 / Each
Part #: CFO KBSF66U206QPI
Description: 20 µF 660vac CDE, 60 Hz, 70°C 1−3/4" x 3−1/2" ova…
$19.00 / Each