Part Number:
Product Details: NOTE: Minimum order is $1.00 per line item.
10 µF 25v Dipped Tantalum T Electrolytic Capacitor AVX − TAP106M025SRW − 10% Unless otherwise noted, tolerance is ±20%.
Part #: CNE 8P-NW
Description: Gates / Harris adjustable input pad. 0, 20, 40. 8…
Brand: Gates / Harris
$25.00 / Each
Part #: SWM DG2
Description: Cherry lever microswitch. 0.05 amp 30v DC. 0.224"…
Brand: Cherry
$5.00 / Each
Part #: CRY 025.0000
Description: HC−18.2 25.0000 MHz Crystal 13.5mm H x 11.05mm W …
$12.00 / Each
Part #: RWF RB19CE65.3
Description: 65.3 ohm 1% 1w RB19 Wire Wound Resistor With tab …
$15.00 / Each
Part #: TEL 283113-MBA-46M
Description: ITT 19 lines + hold and changing switch touch ton…
Brand: ITT
$275.00 / Each
Part #: CRY 002.047500
Description: HC−6 2.047500 MHz Crystal 19.7mm H x 19.2mm W x 8…
$4.00 / Each
Part #: SWR 49C14931
Description: Rotary switch. 3 wafer, 2P5T each. 30º index. 2" …
$15.00 / Each
Part #: TSL T92
Description: Standoff Terminal, Pressfit Feedthru, tinned, dou…
$0.25 / Each