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2700 pF 100 vdc, 5% Metalized Polypropylene Capacitor

2700 pF 100 vdc, 5% Metalized Polypropylene Capacitor

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Product Details:
2700 pF 100 vdc, 5% Polypropylene capacitor 0.2" (5mm) pitch 3000 pcs per box 100 pcs minimum order 0.09" x 0.28" x 0.25"H Arcotronics Metalized Polyester Capacitors R82 − MKT Series − Radial block − Lead free Applications: By−passing, blocking, coupling, decoupling, timing, oscillator circuits. −55º to 105ºC

Product PDFs:

2700 pF
100 vdc,  5%
0.09" x 0.28"  x 0.25"H

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