Part Number:
Product Details: NOTE: Minimum Order is $2.00 per line item NOTE: Sleeving and tubing sold in less than full reel quantities (cut to length sleeving and tubing) is non−returnable.
Zipper Tubing 1/2" Black Poly−vinyl−chloride Loc−Trac zipper tubing wraps around existing cables, provides protection and tidys up area. Several sizes available.
Part #: TUR 7038V4
Description: General Electric vidicon tube.
Brand: General Electric
$75.00 / Each
Part #: RCR20G205JS
Description: 2M ohm 1/2w 5% Carbon Resistor Allen Bradley Carb…
$2.00 / Each
Part #: SIC CA3085E
Description: DOS Voltage Regulator, DIP
$1.20 / Each
Part #: CFD 000470R0ADCA
Description: Ceramic Capacitor 470 pF 100v 10% Ceramic Disc
$0.35 / Each
Part #: PUB TEK-3B3
Description: Tektronix 3B3 Plug−in Instruction Manual
$39.00 / Each
Part #: RWF 10043005
Description: 10 ohm 5% 5w TRW Axial CW5, Short, prepped lds fo…
$0.79 / Each
Part #: ICH B66315GX130
Description: Epcos ferrite E core. Sold in pairs. Ungapped. Ma…
Brand: Epcos
$1.25 / Each
Part #: CFE KA1531C1M
Description: KA1531C1M, 20%, 85ºC, 22mm D x 52mm H, (7/8" x 2−…
$2.25 / Each