Part #: COL 526-9376-009
Description: Collins mechanical filter. Y case.
Brand: Collins
$249.00 / each
Part #: CLM ASST-SM25
Description: 25 pc assortment. Stainless steel hose clamps ran…
$12.00 / each
Part #: CVF CBF-5-35N389
Description: Jennings, ceramic 5 pF 35 kv − Special body 1−3/4…
$250.00 / each
Part #: RPS 013-3291-010
Description: 1/4" 300v 105ºC Clear 44−P−1/4 Various sizes and …
$0.25 / each
Part #: SDI FML23S
Description: TO−220, 300v, 10 amp
$2.00 / each
Part #: PUB RCA-WV84B
Description: RCA Type WV−84B Ultra Sensitive DC Microammeter I…
$14.00 / each
Part #: C85523-0603
Description: 0.022 µF 200vdc Westcap, Hole mount bypass to gro…
$5.00 / each
Part #: CRF UG-334
Description: Bulkhead "HN" jack, silver body, plastic dielectr…
$30.00 / each