Part #: PUB DYN-CP3
Description: Dynascan / B&K CP−3 Auto Bench Curr. Clamp
$10.00 / Each
Part #: RMF 00150000R0LL
Description: 150k ohm 15% 45w HBG "EPW−1", 7−1/2"L x 1−1/2"D c…
$65.00 / Each
Part #: SDI 1N965B
Description: Zener, 15v, 5%, 400mw NOTE: Minimum order is $1.0…
$0.03 / Each
Part #: RCV 28E155
Description: Linear pot with 3 amp @ 125v AC switch. 3.5M ohm.…
$5.00 / Each
Part #: PUB IFR-A-7550
Description: IFR A−7550 Spectrum Analyzer Maintenance Manual
$85.00 / Each
Part #: SWT MCG3P
Description: McGill toggle switch. 3PDT. 6 amp @ 600v AC, 2 HP…
Brand: McGill
$18.00 / Each
Part #: RWF RS1A-1.33
Description: 1.33 ohm 1% 1w Wire Wound Resistor With tab termi…
$1.25 / Each