Part #: KO 970-2439-020
Description: Plug-in Relay. 6PDT Configuration, - Contacts, 11…
$109.00 / Each
Part #: PUB ARRL-4807
Description: EASY TARGET
$6.00 / Each
Part #: TUR 5CG8
Description: 5CG8, GE For a $6 up charge ($5 for 20 tubes or m…
$1.00 / Each
Part #: PS TCR-20S30-1
Description: TCR metered power supply. 0 to 20v @ 0 to 30 amps…
Brand: TCR
$535.00 / Each
Part #: CRY 034.887000
Description: HC−18 34.887000 MHz Crystal 13.5mm H x 11.05mm W …
$5.00 / Each
Part #: ICH 506-9785002
Description: RF coil with 17 turns #26 enameled wire. 0.28 µH,…
$1.75 / Each
Part #: STR AD161
Description: Tesla Germanium transistor. NPN, TO-66, 32v, 1 am…
Brand: Tesla
$2.25 / Each
Part #: RMF 01000000R0EG
Description: 1M ohm 0.1% 1/4w MF−1/4 Metal Film Resistor NOTE…
$0.50 / Each