Part #: CTC 9616
Description: Johanson 8.0 to 50.0pF Ceramic Trimmer Capacitor …
Brand: Johanson
$19.99 / Each
Part #: RF 4061G
Description: Maury directional coupler. -10 dB coupling. 2 - 2…
Brand: Maury
$175.00 / Each
Part #: RCF A113-1
Description: 1w 11k ohm 5% Antique Carbon Comp, 3/16" x 11/16"…
$1.25 / Each
Part #: SIC KS2163A
Description: RCA Ceramic DIP, DC:7723
$2.00 / Each
Part #: TSL 3000H21AB
Description: Ark-Les QC recepticle with male tab, brass - unin…
Brand: Ark-Les
$0.12 / Each
Part #: RWV 534118HS1.5
Description: Wire lead, multi-turn, trimpot. 1.5k ohm. Horizon…
Brand: Weston
$12.89 / Each
Part #: PUB RFC-RF-302R
Description: RF Communications − RF−302R Remote Controlled Ant…
$30.00 / Each
Part #: RWF RBR56L1400
Description: 1400 ohm 0.1% 1/8w 10ppm Wire Wound Resistor With…
$2.00 / Each