Part #: RC42GF153J
Description: 15k ohm 2w 5% Carbon Resistor Allen Bradley Carbo…
$0.00 / Each
Part #: KO YC-J2N-103
Description: Leach polarized relay. 28v DC, 3PDT, 10 amp, 400 …
Brand: Leach
$25.00 / Each
Part #: CFO 0028R012.5A
Description: 28 µF @ 12.5 kvdc GE, 2 Gal, No PCB, 30F1444 13−1…
$950.00 / Each
Part #: RWV 7286R10KL.25
Description: Panel bushing mount pot. 10k ohm, 2 watt. 10 turn…
Brand: Beckman / Helipot
$10.00 / Each
Part #: CFE 014000R00BAX
Description: 2" x 4−5/8", Computer grade, 10−32 NF screws,Unle…
$14.00 / Each
Part #: RFM ZJL-6G
Description: Mini-Circuits®. Amplifier. 20 to 6000 MHz. 12 vdc…
Brand: Mini-Circuits
$59.00 / Each
Part #: M39003/01-2182J
Description: Electrolytic Capacitor 13 µF − Kemet Tantalum Ele…
$3.50 / Each
Part #: MIC EM-30B6
Description: Electret microphone element with FET impedance ma…
Brand: Electret
$10.00 / Each