Part #: EQP WE-7A
Description: Western Electric audio amp from 20's with three 2…
Brand: Western Electric
$1700.00 / Each
Part #: RDF 00010000R0DA
Description: 10k ohm 14 pin DIP 13 Common Dual row pins, ONE C…
$1.50 / Each
Part #: CTP 5202
Description: Johanson 0.8 to 10pF Air Trimmer Capacitor, Panel…
Brand: Johanson
$13.00 / Each
Part #: RMF 00008450R0QE
Description: 8450 ohm 1% − RNC60J 25ppm Metal Film Resistor N…
$0.25 / Each
Part #: CFE LPX271M450E4P3
Description: 270 µF 450v Mallory Snap−in Cap Electrolytic Capa…
$4.00 / Each
Part #: PUB BAL-220
Description: Ballantine 220 Decade Amplifier
$18.00 / Each
Part #: PUB RCA-WR41B
Description: RCA Type WR−41B UHF Sweep Generator Instruction M…
$12.00 / Each
Part #: WRF 3028102G15
Description: "N" plug and "hard-to-find" "SC" plug cable ends,…
$65.00 / Each