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2" 0 − 600 psi 1/8 NPT Guage

2" 0 − 600 psi 1/8 NPT Guage

Part Number:
(MTG) 164448

Product Details:
P−845FF Series, Back stem Ametek P−845FF Series 2" 0 − 600 psi 10 psi 1/8 NPT Back stem P−845FF Series, flange panel mount, Marked 138041 on box (PIC) Utilizing either front flanged or U−clamp cases, these attractive panel mount gauges can be flush mounted on instrument panels, pressure test stands, steam cleaners, sterilizers, and many other types of equipment. Where a minimum of space is available, the 844 U−clamp series is more desirable. When it is desirable to mount the gauge from the front of panel, the 845 front flanged series may be specified. All models utilize a unique one−piece plastic threaded ring and window which can be removed, permitting in−panel pointer adjustment. Optical stainless steel bourdon tube and socket for use where the pressure medium is corrosive to copper alloys.

Product PDFs:

0 − 600 psi
10 psi
Stem Size
1/8 NPT
Stem Location
Back stem

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