Part #: CRY 030.525000
Description: HC−6 30.525000 MHz Crystal 19.7mm H x 19.2mm W x …
$4.00 / Each
Part #: RWV 56LR104
Description: Wire lead, multi-turn, trimpot. 100k ohm. Horizon…
Brand: Weston
$2.50 / Each
Part #: WMG 20HSDN130RD
Description: Red 20 AWG Essex® Copper Magnet Wire Wire sold in…
$ / Each
Part #: ENC M6345
Description: Rack shelf with flip front panel made for Gates /…
$75.00 / Each
Part #: RWF HL15-3.1K
Description: 3100 ohm 2% 14w Wire Wound Resistor With tab term…
$3.00 / Each
Part #: LMP DFY
Description: Sylvania Lamp, 120v, 1000w
$20.00 / Each
Part #: PUB FLK-8100A
Description: Fluke 8100A Digital Multimeter Instruction Manual
$40.00 / Each
Part #: PUB COL-WP-101
Description: WP−101 Airborne Weather Radar
$95.00 / Each