Part Number:
Product Details:
1−3/4" Pink 1/2" inside depth External Cap Plug or cap any tubing hole with any inzie or outzie. Various colors, sizes and styles. Quantity pricing.
Part #: TUR VI103
Description: Magic Eye Tube, VI103, 10E / 305P For a $6 up cha…
$95.00 / Each
Part #: FRI 60-SPR-030-5-2
Description: 60−S Series SCI−Noise Filter 250v AC @ 3 amp 1−9/…
$4.55 / Each
Part #: TEK 670-5035-00
Description: Tek Circuit Bd Assembly / 5440, 5441
$55.00 / Each
Part #: SHW SSR-4ZZR
Description: Ball bearing. 1/4" bore I.D. 5/8" O.D. 3/16"H. 8 …
$7.00 / Each
Part #: CFP 230000TAAW
Description: 0.23 µF 35 vnp Tantalex 151D 10% Axial Non−Polari…
$4.00 / Each
Part #: COL 913-3000-00
Description: 10 pF
$2.00 / Each
Part #: RWF 355DM
Description: 50 ohm 3% 50w Sage RH50 Aluminum With tab termina…
$6.00 / Each
Part #: CSM 000560R0EJGA
Description: 560 pF 5% 500v Molded Mica Axial Capacitor 0.812"…
$0.90 / Each