Part #: SDI MOC205R1-M
Description: Opto, DC 0108, SO−8, T NOTE: Minimum order is $1.…
$0.18 / each
Part #: SDI 1S84
Description: Switching Diode, 200 piv, 20µs NOTE: Minimum orde…
$0.08 / each
Part #: SWZ 1801
Description: Snap-in rocker switch. SPST. 6 amp @ 250v. 1/2" x…
$3.75 / each
Part #: RWF RS1/2-511
Description: 511 ohm 1% 1/2w RS−1/2 Wire Wound Resistor With t…
$1.00 / each
Part #: HWX NYL-1.3X.37
Description: Hexagonal nylon standoff. #8 hole on each end. 1-…
$0.30 / each
Part #: CNE 42R36-3154
Description: AC Receptacle with keyway and with AC switch. 1-7…
$6.00 / each
Part #: ICR 1295B/ASSY
Description: Dielectric Sciences feedthru insulator hermetical…
$350.00 / each