Part #: RWF RWR84S-390
Description: 390 ohm 1% 7w Shallcross Wire Wound Resistor, DC:…
$2.50 / each
Part #: SWT 01-17.301-21
Description: Secme (France) toggle switch from the Space Lab p…
Brand: Secme
Part #: SIC HA13119
Description: Stereo Amplifier, 5.5w, 13.2v, 4w, DC:2M4
$2.50 / each
Description: KWM−1 Service Bulletins
$30.00 / each
Part #: RCR42G203JS
Description: 20k ohm 2w 5% Carbon Resistor Allen Bradley Carbo…
$6.00 / each
Part #: PSL B700-47
Description: "47" Brady wire markers for wires under 5/32" O.D…
$1.25 / each
Part #: PUB COL-AP-106
Description: AP−106/107 Auto−Pilot Test Set − 972S Manual
$125.00 / each
Part #: RWF 190-3501
Description: 0.5 ohm − − 8.5" 14 gauge Nichrome Wi With tab te…
$10.00 / each