Part Number:
Product Details: Wire sold in less than full reel quantities (cut to length wire) is non−returnable.
PVC Hook−up Wire 24 AWG 7/32 Stranded Tin Plated Copper 105ºC / 300v Rated Black Stranded wire in various non−PTFE PVC jackets suitable for standard wiring applications. All wire is surplus and sold on a first come first served basis.
Part #: KNB 62
Description: Push-on "D" knob. Gray, hard plastic. 1/4" bore, …
$4.50 / Each
Part #: CPF 611.32161H160
Description: 2160 pF 160v 2.5% TRW, 5.7mm D x 15mm L
$2.25 / Each
Part #: MTR SIMPSON5-50-100
Description: Simpson 3 scale benchtop meter. 0 - 5 mADC, 0 - 5…
Brand: Simpson
$75.00 / Each
Part #: COL 913-2975-00
Description: 0.82 pF
$2.00 / Each
Part #: PUB TRM-4243
Description: Trymetrics 4243 Digital Multimeter Installation &…
$18.00 / Each
Part #: SDI SD2434
Description: Diode, 30 amp, TO−3, 45v
$95.00 / Each
Part #: CRY 000.21270
Description: HC−6 212.700 KHz Crystal 19.7mm H x 19.2mm W x 8.…
$10.00 / Each