Part Number:
Product Details: Wire sold in less than full reel quantities (cut to length wire) is non−returnable.
PVC Hook−up Wire 20 AWG 19/32 Stranded Tin Plated Copper 105ºC / 300v Rated Purple Stranded wire in various non−PTFE PVC jackets suitable for standard wiring applications. All wire is surplus and sold on a first come first served basis.
Part #: CRY 036.137
Description: HC−18 36.137 MHz Crystal 13.5mm H x 11.05mm W x 4…
$4.50 / Each
Part #: RCV 3252L-105
Description: Wire lead, multi-turn, trimpot. 1M ohm. Horizonta…
Brand: Bourns
$5.00 / Each
Description: IFR FM/AM−1200S/A Communications Service Monitor …
$145.00 / Each
Part #: RWF PW2-1
Description: 1 ohm 5% 2w TRW Square Sand Resistor, 1/4" x 1/4"…
$0.30 / Each
Part #: WRF UT-85C
Description: Semi-rigid hardline. 50 ohm. 0.0865" outside diam…
Brand: 50 ohm
$18.00 / Each
Part #: CFPA 018R00FADE
Description: 18 µF 250v Non−Polarized Plastic Capacitor Mylar …
$12.00 / Each
Part #: STR MRF-475
Description: Transistor, 12w, 2 − 30 MHz, 12v, TO−220
$20.00 / Each
Description: Waters EVT Vernier Tune KWM2/A
$12.00 / Each