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9 24 ga. str 7 x 32 / 9 pair / PTFE Multi−Conductor Shielded Cable

9 24 ga. str 7 x 32 / 9 pair / PTFE Multi−Conductor Shielded Cable

Part Number:
(WHS) 89732

Product Details:
9 24 ga. str 7 x 32 / 9 pair / PTFE 0.515" O.D., gray Dupont jacket, Individually shielded, braid + foil, 18 conductor (non−conduit) 150º Shielded Cable

Wire sold in less than full reel quantities (cut to length wire) is non−returnable.

No. Pairs
24 ga.
str 7 x 32 / 9 pair / PTFE

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$6.00 / Each
$5.00 / 20 Each
$4.25 / 100 Each


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