Part #: CPF 611.1-1350H160
Description: 135 pF 160v 2.5% TRW, 3.7mm D x 8mm L
$0.55 / each
Part #: LMP 770-2
Description: 660w heavy duty plastic socket with 6-1/2" AC cor…
$2.50 / each
Part #: CNE EGG1K304CLP
Description: "Lemo" connector same as left except PTFE with se…
$15.00 / each
Part #: RF 3003-10/U
Description: 200 watt, "N" connectors, 2 − 4 GHz, SWR = 1.15, …
$130.00 / each
Part #: RWV 5439-86-0
Description: 3 section clamp ring pot. 1500 / 10k / 10k ohm. 2…
$45.00 / each
Part #: PUB KEI-414A
Description: Keithley 414A Picoammeter Instruction Manual
$22.00 / each