Part #: RCF RC20GF226J
Description: 22M ohm 1/2w 5% Carbon Resistor Carbon Compositio…
$0.50 / each
Part #: TV 94025
Description: Ohmite variac dual sided dial. 0-120 volts or 0-1…
Brand: Ohmite
$3.75 / each
Part #: RCF RCR07G432JR
Description: 4.3k ohm 1/4w 5% Carbon Resistor,Carbon Compositi…
$0.75 / each
Part #: PUB HP-8444A
Description: HP 8444A Track Gen Oper Info
$10.00 / each
Part #: RCF A-AST-1
Description: 50 piece assortment of 1 watt and smaller antique…
$10.00 / each
Part #: PUB HOU-100X-Y
Description: Houston Instruments Series 100 X−Y Recorder Omnig…
$14.00 / each