Part Number:
Product Details: For a $6 up charge ($5 for 20 tubes or more of same number), individual Roe Tester V10 printouts with curves will be included with individual tubes. This test takes about 10 minutes for each test. The calibrated ROE Tester is the finest test tube testing system available. It will document every operating parameter of the subject tube.
Tung−Sol HF300 Audio amp or RF amp. Newer sub for a 204A, 200w plate dissipation, 11v − 12v filament @ 4 amps, 3"D x 10" overall length, New, unsed. Only one available. (PDF)
Part #: STR 2N2221JAN
Description: Motorola, TO−18, D/C 6919
$1.90 / each
Part #: C4MSFUC4470AA1J
Description: 4.7 µF 400 vdc, 250 vac, 5% Axial Polypropylene (…
$1.25 / each
Part #: SWR 86-6-11
Description: Scientific Radio ceramic RF switch. Easily handle…
Brand: Scientific Radio
$365.00 / each
Part #: ICH MM-T51-0
Description: 0.5" outer diameter, 0.5" high, 0 mix, 12 uH / 10…
$1.00 / each
Part #: RF 245578AB
Description: Directional coupler, 200w, 50 ohm, 800−2500 MHz, …
$129.00 / each
Part #: PUB STL-TDA2
Description: Stelma Telegraph Analyzer Inst
$20.00 / each
Part #: CFC HT55T008-5
Description: HT−55 Series Doorknob Transmitting Capacitor 8 pF…
$14.00 / each
Part #: OSC Y1347-585
Description: Harris 585 KHz Oscillator, Harris P/N: 700−0453−0…
$100.00 / each