Part #: MTR 835003-009
Description: Dixson temperature meter. 88-108° F, centered 98°…
Brand: Dixson
$35.00 / each
Part #: MWC M161
Description: Maury waveguide transition. WR-62 to WR-75. 2.5"L…
Brand: Maury
$95.00 / each
Part #: CTP 27294-PC
Description: Johanson Giga-Trim 0.8 to 8.0pF Sapphire Dielectr…
Brand: Johanson
$14.99 / each
Part #: RWF 9-64-300
Description: 300 ohm − 50w Milwaukee Round Wire, Radial 3/8" S…
$3.50 / each
Part #: SIC MC1372P
Description: Motorola, DC:83, 14 Pin DIP
$5.00 / each
Part #: PUB COL-478C-2
Description: Integrated Flight System
$50.00 / each
Part #: CSM 001500R00JGA
Description: 5% Dipped Mica Short legs (leads) NOTE: Minimum o…
$0.46 / each
Part #: RWF 424R19E6000F
Description: 6000 ohm 1% 1w Spool Res., RH0−TL44, Radial Tabs,…
$6.25 / each