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Mirror Mount

Mirror Mount

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Stainless steel mirror mount. 2.24" diameter with 4 threaded bolt holes for mirror, 2 axis adjustments on the outer ring. Front and back have 8 threaded bolt holes for mirror holding cap. 8 torx bolts included. 1 aluminum mirror holding cap included. Inner diameter is 0.75" and holds a 1" diameter mirror. Unlike our other end caps, these mirror mounts do not have bolt holes for mounting the assembly to an end wall. Perhaps these mounts were meant to be press fit in to LZR-EWRING-OCH or LZR-EWRING-CH as there is an inner lip on the front of this mirror mount that measures less than the 2" inner diameter (1.9985"-1.999") by 0.001". Overall assembly 1.125" thick. Hole pattern matches LZR-M13HOLD-A and LZR-M13HOLD-B mirror holding caps and LZR-HOLDRING13 holding ring.

Overall assembly 1.125" thick
Inner diameter is 0.75" and holds a 1" diameter mirror
1 aluminum mirror holding cap included
2 axis adjustments on the outer ring
2.24" diameter with 4 threaded bolt holes for mirror

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$229.00 / Each


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