Part Number:
Product Details:
MiTronix SAT-PAD enclosure. If you ever need a SATPAD, or an industrial snare drum, we've got one right here. 24"DIA x 7-1/4"H with a 10"DIA access hole on the top with 3 thumb screw cover. 6 quarter inch bolts around the perimeter hold the top and bottom plates together. 4 cables/conduit clamp on top.
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Description: 470 µF 200v NKL Snap−in Cap Electrolytic Capacito…
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Description: Plaster NO - Mar clamp for 1/4" shaft. Threaded h…
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Part #: FUS F03-10
Description: Collins Ceramic Fuse, 10 amp, 250v
$1.25 / Each