Part #: CFE 000047R00BFJ
Description: 47 µF 450v DC Panasonic, snap−in, ECES2WU470J Ele…
$2.50 / each
Part #: PS PS/PG020P50-M66
Description: Glassman power supply. Front panel current and vo…
Brand: Glassman
$3795.00 / each
Part #: TP ZA84618-E
Description: Applied Biosystems replacement toroid
Brand: Applied Biosystems
$225.00 / each
Part #: PUB COL-830F-1A
Description: 830F−1A 10KW FM Transmitter
$150.00 / each
Part #: WMG 26HSDN155G-6
Description: Green 26 AWG Essex® Copper Magnet Wire by the pou…
$16.10 / each
Part #: SDI 1N757A JAN
Description: Zener 9.1v, 400mw, 5% NOTE: Minimum order is $1.0…
$0.40 / each
Part #: PUB RCA-WA3A
Description: RCA Type WA−3A MI−30003−A Grating Generator Instr…
$12.00 / each
Description: "SMA" double male inline bullet. PTFE dielectric,…
$9.00 / each