Part #: COL KWM380D-KT
Description: These are the final remnants of the KWM380 keypad…
$350.00 / Each
Part #: RF 3033
Description: Hybrid 3 dB, 0º & 90º, 2000 − 4000 Mc, 200w, Type…
$149.00 / Each
Part #: RCV 64X502
Description: PC mount, miniature, multi-turn trimmer pot. 5k o…
Brand: Spectrol
$1.50 / Each
Part #: SWR 40C83462H05
Description: OAK phenolic wafer switch, silver contacts, 1-1/2…
Brand: OAK
$6.00 / Each
Part #: PUB HP-1743A
Description: HP 1743A Oscilloscope Operating & Service Manual
$105.00 / Each
Part #: SWR 2P3T-60
Description: Oak 2P3T ceramic rotary switch. 60º index, widesp…
Brand: Oak
$21.00 / Each