Part Number:
Product Details:
Tektronix scope cameras. These appear to be incomplete or missing pieces, bent or broken. NOTE: No guarantee of completeness or function. Sold as-is.
Part #: PUB HP-1650A/51
Description: HP 1650A/51A Logic Analyzer Service Manual
$55.00 / Each
Part #: ICH AM-025125
Description: American Cores high flux powder core. Init. perm.…
Brand: American Cores
$0.25 / Each
Part #: MTT 41GLN00RR40
Description: Moeller remote bulb thermometer. 200º - 950ºF. 5"…
Brand: Moeller
$295.00 / Each
Part #: HWX LCH-12
Description: Nielsen draw latch. 9/16" c-c mount holes. 1-1/8"…
Brand: Nielsen
$7.95 / Each
Part #: CBK W58-XB1A4A-6
Description: 6 amp, 250v AC, 50v DC push button breaker. Mount…
$4.00 / Each
Description: Citizen's band radio "S" meter. Edgewise, vertica…
$2.00 / Each
Part #: SIC 74LS157
Description: Integrated Circuit Quad 2 to 1 Line Multpix NOTE:…
$0.30 / Each
Part #: CRF APC7-NF
Description: APC-7 (7mm) to type "N" female. Various brands av…
$75.00 / Each