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Systron Donner 6152A Counter / Timer

Systron Donner 6152A Counter / Timer

Part Number:
(EQP) 6152A

Product Details:
Systron Donner 6152A counter / timer. Large 7 digit Nixie tube readout. Frequency range from 0 to 50MHz (DC), 10Hz to 50MHz (AC), 10 to 512MHz on prescaler input. Resolution of 0.1Hz to 1MHz in decade steps. Four inputs. Sensitivity of "A" input 100 mV rms to 200MHz, "D" input 10 mV rms. Period measurements from 1 to 105 periods. Time Interval measurements from 0.1 µs to 108 second. Ratio measurements: fA/fB with multiplier from 1 to 105. Display storage, 500 µs to 5 sec sampling times plus hold, and marker outputs. 15-1/8" x 3-1/2" x 16-3/4". NSN: 6625-00-148-8021. Works fine.

Frequency range
0 to 50MHz (DC), 10Hz to 50MHz (AC), 10 to 512MHz on Prescaler Input
15-1/8" x 3-1/2" x 16-3/4"
Period measurements from 1 to 105 periods
Four inputs
Manufactured by
Systron Donner
Alternate P/N:

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